Can dogs eat oranges safely?
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If you love oranges, you might be wondering if your pooch will love them too. If that’s the case, we‘ve got good news for you - the answer is yes, dogs can eat oranges. These refreshing citrus fruits aren’t toxic to dogs, so your furry friend should be able to have an orange segment or two without any trouble. In fact, oranges could be one of the healthiest treat options for your four-legged friend if given in small amounts. Read along to find out all you need to know about dogs and oranges.
Are oranges good for dogs?
Oranges have a deserved spot on the list of healthy dog treats. Packed with vitamin C, fibre and potassium, they can give your pup’s immune system a boost. As a truly nutritional treat, they can increase your dog’s energy levels too.
Not to mention that oranges are sweet and refreshing which is why many dogs love them. Bear in mind though that not all pups are keen on oranges. The only way to find out whether your furry friend is a fan of citruses is to give them a little piece and see their reaction.
That being said, if your pooch is eating the right, nutritionally complete dog food, such as the one we make here at Bug Bakes, they won’t have to rely on treats for nutrients, as everything they require for a healthy diet will be included in their meal.
How many oranges can a dog eat?
As with any other fruits and vegetables that dogs can eat, moderation is key. You should always keep in mind that in a nutritionally balanced diet, all dog treats (the healthy ones included) should only make up no more than 10% of your pup’s daily food intake.
The best way to approach introducing a new type of food to your dog is with caution. Start off with one piece of orange and see how your dog reacts. If there are no visible signs of concerns and your pooch seems to enjoy the taste, it’s probably safe to add your favourite citrus to your list of dog treats.
Depending on the size of your dog, 1 -2 segments of orange in a day should be a safe amount. However, you shouldn’t feed your dogs citruses every day. It’s better to use oranges as a fun and unusual treat every once in a while.
Of course, before you introduce your pooch to oranges, speak to your vet first to check if they have any concerns at all. If your dog happens to eat an orange and shows symptoms of feeling unwell soon afterwards, you should call your doctor for advice immediately.
When are oranges harmful to dogs?
If your dog is perfectly healthy, oranges shouldn’t be harmful to them in small amounts. However, there are certain conditions that could be aggravated by eating oranges. Here are some of the health issues to consider before feeding your pooch oranges:
- Diabetes: If your four-legged friend is diabetic, you should avoid giving them oranges due to the high sugar contents of the fruit.
- Digestive problems: If your dog often suffers from tummy problems, the acidity of the orange (or any other citrus fruit for that matter) can upset their digestive system.
- Excess weight: If your dog is overweight and is on a weight-loss diet, you may want to consider a low-calorie fruit instead; you can feed your dog apples, for example.
Even if your furry friend has one of the above conditions, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they should never have a slice of orange. However, you should consult with your veterinarian to make sure it’s safe.
Can puppies eat oranges?
Technically, puppies can eat fresh oranges, just like adult dogs. However, the little ones are more likely to suffer an upset tummy if they consume too much of the fruit. This is why you should always err on the side of caution with puppies and if you are planning on treating them with a bit of orange, make sure it’s a single small orange segment to avoid any trouble.
Can dogs eat orange peel and seeds?
Despite the fact that the orange peel and seeds are not toxic to dogs, you should always peel the oranges and remove the seeds before you feed them to your dog. The orange peel is hard to digest and can cause tummy problems. They are associated with a number of gastrointestinal (GI) issues, such as constipation, bloating and nausea.
In addition to that, both the peel and the seed of the oranges can be a choking hazard and they can get stuck in the digestive tract, so it’s best to avoid them to stay on the safe side.
Can dogs drink orange juice?
A glass of orange juice in the morning is a refreshing treat for a human but it’s not recommended that you serve that to your dog. Even though orange juice is high in vitamins, it’s also high in sugar, so it’s bad for your pup’s diet. Also, orange juice is quite acidic so it can upset your furry friend’s tummy.
Can dogs eat other citruses?
Yes, oranges aren’t the only citrus fruit your furry friend can enjoy. From grapefruits to satsumas and clementines, there is a lot more refreshing fruity goodness that you can treat them to safely. Always remember to keep the quantities small and change the types of treats often to ensure your pooch stays happy and healthy.
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