How to Transition Your Dog onto Bug Bakes
You MUST read this before feeding even 1 bite of Bug Bakes.
Your dog is about to experience the wonderful world of insect protein.
100% of dogs need a careful transition plan otherwise you risk:
Your dog might not like it
Your dog's stomach may react.
No matter what they used to eat, every dog needs a transition.
98% of customers who follow this Transition Plan have a successful and smooth transition.
You must avoid giving your dog handfuls of Bug Bakes on their own straight away.
Instead, mix pieces of Bug Bakes with your dog's current food to help them get used to the new smells and texture.
👇 Here's What To Do 👇
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my dog doesn't seem to enjoy Bug Bakes straight away?
No problem – they’ll come around soon. Dogs are naturally cautious of new food, and some can take longer to start eating a new food.
It's worth bearing in mind that your dog isn't being picky or not enjoying their food though, they don't understand why their usual routine and food has changed so are being cautious.
If only they understood us when we tell them this is going to be their new favourite, if they give it a try!
Why are there different transitions depending on what I fed my dog before?
There are different transitions because cold-pressed dog food is totally different to raw and wet/dry commercial foods.
To ensure a smooth transition, the more moisture in your dog's current diet, the longer they'll need to fully transition to Bug Bakes. This is why the transition from raw food is much longer.
What's the difference between Bug Bakes and the food my dog is currently eating?
Bug Bakes is the UK's first dog food to use insect protein as the main protein source.
It’s cold-pressed to retain nutrients and support better digestion, energy, and overall health.
The difference in transitioning is the moisture content. Bug Bakes has very low moisture, which dogs need to adapt to. Raw food and even commercial kibbles have much higher moisture contents.
How much Bug Bakes should I feed during the transition?
This completely depends on your dog's weight, breed, age and activity level.
We recommend that you follow the Transition Plan above and use the feeding guidelines on our packaging, and website (click here), to tell you how much your pup needs everyday.
From our Transition Plan and Feeding Guidelines, you can work out what percentage of the daily feeding guideline you need to feed for your stage of transition.
Will switching to Bug Bakes change my dog's stool?
Yes, it's possible for stools to temporarily soften or change colour during the transition period. Once again, they'll likely be small, firm and relatively odourless due to Bug Bake's high digestibility.
If you have any questions or just want to chat about your dog's food journey, reach out to us at